New Educator and Scholars Training: Free Workshop at AMEE 2022

Are you a medical student interested in one day becoming a medical educator? Or do you have any students who have expressed an interest in teaching and training? During the upcoming AMEE annual conference being presented by AMEE (the Association for Medical Education in Europe), ScholarRx will be holding a free pre-conference workshop: New Educator and Scholar Training (NEST): A Professional Development Workshop for Students.
This event will take place on Saturday, August 27, and run from 1330-1630 CEST. You can register here. The pre-conference workshop session is PCW L10.
If you have any difficulties signing up for the session through the registration portal, send a message to indicating that you’re a medical student or an educator interested in signing up for PCW L10.
This online workshop will provide student participants with an introductory, hands-on experience in applying Kern’s Six-Step model to design a complete education activity with appropriate pedagogic strategies. Students will also explore models of converting medical education design and development into scholarship.
The speakers include:
Elisabeth Schlegel
Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra
Northwell, Hempstead, USA
Tao Le
University of Louisville School of Medicine
Louisville, USA
Irem Aktar
Istanbul University
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Capa / Istanbul, Turkey
Mădălina Elena Mandache
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations
København N., Denmark
After participating in this session, student attendees should be able to:
- Describe a framework for medical education professional development
- Discuss and apply principles and best practices for:
- Curriculum design and development based on Kern’s Six-Step model
- Pedagogic strategies
- Educational scholarship
- Identify and synthesize themes that integrate across major domains of medical education professional development.
Space is limited, so sign up today!