Meet ScholarRx at AMEE 2022 in Lyon

The ScholarRx team is proud to again be sponsoring the annual AMEE conference, which is one of the most invigorating events in healthcare professions education. Healthcare professionals, educators, students, institutions, and organizations from around the world come together to network, share new ideas, innovations and approaches in health professions education.  Our mission is to build a healthier world through accessible, sustainable medical education, so we are inspired to meet with so many others who share this common vision.

We invite you to visit our AMEE meeting hub, where you can learn more about where to find us in Lyon:

Our highlighted sessions include:

  • Building a competency-based approach toward student engagement in medical education
    Presenters: Tao Le, Catarina Pais Rodrigues, Mădălina Elena Mandache, Tomáš Petras —
    Monday, August 29, 0800-0930 (6P2, St. Clair 1)
  • Creating Sharable Multimedia Medical Education for the World – Tao Le, MD, MHS, University of Louisville — Monday, August 29, 1730-1800 (2R – WS – (Roseraie 1)

You can also sign up to gain free access to our groundbreaking Rx Bricks Create authoring tool, which is part of the world’s first sharable health science curriculum platform. This revolutionary platform puts the power in your hands to create new bricks or clone and customize selected bricks from our extensive library, which features over 830 digital learning modules for your curriculum. Plus, everything you publish is freely available for your students.

Interested in learning more about our curriculum and assessment solutions for your program? Stop by and see ScholarRx at AMEE 2022 by visiting Booth #63, or reach out to set up a demo: