Grant Proposal Sections
1. Cover Page:
Title, principal investigator(s), contact information (address, telephone, email), institutional grant/development officer to whom payment will be made (name, title, address, phone, fax, and email).
2. Abstract:
Limited to no more than 400 words. Describe the proposed project, including (but not limited to) rationale, research question/hypothesis, methods including plan for evaluation and analysis, and anticipated outcomes/impact.
3. Proposal:
Limit to 5 pages (11-point font, 1-inch margins, single spaced), including all tables and figures, though brevity is encouraged. Should include the following sections (or similar):
- Research question/hypothesis and specific aims
- Abstract (limit 400 words)
- Methodology (including full study design, participants/sampling frame if relevant, data collection/management, ScholarRx components/collaboration, and analysis plan)
- Anticipated outcomes/impact (including plan for dissemination at regional/national level)
- Timeline (detailed, not to exceed 24 months)
- Budget (itemized with justification, total expenditures not to exceed $10,000)
- References (not included in page limit)
4. Personnel:
A biographical sketch of the principal investigator(s) and other key project personnel is required. A full CV should be included for the principal investigator(s); a brief biosketch limited to no more than one page should be included for other study members including name, current position and affiliation, education, project role, professional experience relevant to project role, and relevant publications.
5. Human Subjects:
Educational research projects involving human subjects require IRB approval. It is not necessary to obtain approval prior to submitting a proposal, but documentation indicating approval or exemption will be required before receiving funding.
Submit your MERIC proposal to and place "MERIC Proposal" in the subject line.