Grant Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Criteria used by the MERIC Small Grants Committee to evaluate proposals are listed below. Note that not all projects need address every area listed.
1. Background/rationale:
- Is the problem statement clear and well defined?
- Does the literature review clearly identify what is known about the problem or the proposed innovation and identify gaps?
- Is there a conceptual framework or theoretical perspective identified to support the work?
2. Project aims:
- Are the project aims clearly stated, feasible, and appropriately focused and narrow?
- Is the project timely and does it address a gap in the literature/field?
3. Methodology:
- Are the methods clear (study design, participants, setting for the research/innovation)?
- Do the methods align with project aims?
- Does the project use ScholarRx/USMLE-Rx components?
- Are interventions/innovations clearly described (e.g., faculty development, etc).
- Is the planned analysis/evaluation appropriate for the project aims?
- Are the types of instruments or techniques planned for measurement detailed, with rationale for selection?
4. Anticipated outcomes/impact:
- Is this work likely to advance our knowledge or practice in medical education and/or open additional areas for further exploration?
- Are potential outcomes discussed and are they reasonable?
- Is there a clear plan for dissemination, including through conferences or publications?
5. Timeline:
- Is the timeline for completion feasible and likely to succeed?
6. Budget:
- Are the budget itemizations reasonable and appropriate?
- Are monies dedicated to approved costs? (see FAQs)
7. References:
- Are the references appropriate and well-curated?
8. Personnel:
- Does the study engage trainees as co-investigators?
- Has the project engaged personnel with the appropriate expertise to make successful completion of the project in the specified timeline likely?
9. Human Subjects:
- Educational research projects involving human subjects require IRB approval. It is not necessary to obtain approval prior to submitting a proposal, but documentation indicating approval or exemption will be required before receiving funding.