Now Open: 2023 MERIC Innovation Grant Applications

Medical Education Research and Innovation Challenge Grants
ScholarRx is pleased to announce that grant applications for our 2023 Medical Education Research and Innovation Challenge (MERIC) are now open. MERIC is a program designed to promote global educational innovation and scholarship through the ScholarRx/USMLE-Rx platform.
About the Grants
Each year, MERIC grants work to support health profession investigators seeking to collaborate with ScholarRx. They focus on testing education innovations and addressing questions about educational methods, curricular development, student assessments, and much more. We expect to fund 2-3 grant applications ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 in 2023.
If you are interested in developing a novel educational innovation and addressing a significant gap in medical education literature, this may be the grant for you! Projects must utilize ScholarRx/USMLE-Rx tools as a substantial element of their innovation.
How to Apply
Please submit a letter of intent (LOI) by 11:59 pm EST on December 16, 2022. Selected investigators will be notified in mid-January 2023 and invited to submit a full proposal due by February 28, 2023. Learn more about the evaluation criteria and how to apply.