ScholarRxOpportunities for Learners

For over 30 years, we have crafted educational resources through a collaboration between learners and educators. Health science experts guide students and young graduates in content development, and both are supported by an experienced editorial and creative services team who ensure consistent implementation of our instructional design approach. Apply to join our team today!

Apply Below

Do You Have a Passion for Medical Education?

ScholarRx believes learners' fresh perspectives can contribute to developing innovative educational solutions, helping close the gap between what is planned and what is learned. This is an opportunity to develop scholarly skills and to contribute to an educational publication.

Contributors may participate in a wide variety of projects, including curricular solutions like Rx Bricks and assessment resources like Qmax. A stipend is offered based on the project and the commitment of hours.

Please submit your application using the following form. We review applications based on recruitment needs for our projects. Only candidates retained for assessment (written assignment and/or interview) will be contacted further.

 Application Form
