Proven Strategies to Enhance Student Performance
Explore Real-World Success Stories with ScholarRx Case Studies
Institutions worldwide have been putting ScholarRx to the test for years. Explore a few of the eye-opening and inspiring ways they support students with the help of our case studies. We'd love to hear if these inspire you to deploy the same tools or if they remind you of ways you've used ScholarRx at your school.
Supporting Learning Through Assessments
Read how the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill faculty adopted ScholarRx's formative assessments to improve student-centered learning.
Bridging Gaps for Success
Learn how Rutgers NJMS implemented ScholarRx to overhaul faculty development, student empowerment, and personalized support.
From Textbooks to Active Learning
Learn how faculty at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine have adapted to better support students' learning needs as they journey through medical school.
Ready to upgrade your school's digital learning platform and help your students succeed?
If your school is interested in improving its study tool offerings for its students, click below to contact us for details on how you can use the highly-rated ScholarRx tools in your university: