MeSAGE Releases New Collection of Digital Health Bricks

The Medical Student Alliance for Global Education, or MeSAGE, released its newest collection of Rx Bricks, which explores the domain of digital health.  This set of free and open access digital learning modules covers an increasingly critical topic in medicine, but one that rarely gets significant attention within the traditional med school curriculum. 

The Digital Health bricks aim to provide a framework for students to better understand how the innovative use of technologies and data are transforming healthcare, as well as the cultural impact that they are having on the physician-patient relationship.  Healthcare professionals need to be comfortable with these tools and recognize how they can be used to partner with patients to provide a better and more responsive level of care.

This new collection on Digital Health was created by an international team of student authors who were guided by our expert advisor, Dr. Aditi Joshi, MD, MSc, FACEP, and designed for anyone with an interest in the intersection between healthcare and digital technologies.

Topics in the Digital Health collection include:

  • Introduction to Digital Health
  • Digital Solutions for Global Health
  • Digital Health Literacy
  • Electronic Health Records
  • Mobile Health
  • Bioinformatics
  • Precision Medicine
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data in Healthcare
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Medicine
  • Health Technology Assessment
  • Laws and Regulations for Digital Health
Digital Health Ecosystem

Digital Health Ecosystem

To get free access to this collection—whether you’re a student or an instructor looking to incorporate this content into your curriculum—set up your free account here.

The aim of MeSAGE is to empower student organizations with the tools and expertise to build medical education content that often falls outside of the traditional curriculum, while making that content freely available to any student, school, or institution in the world.

MeSAGE is the largest student-driven curriculum alliance on the planet, composed of student organizations representing over 1.4 million medical students in over 130 countries, from partners including:

  • AMSA: The American Medical Student Association
  • AMWA: The American Medical Women’s Association
  • APSA: American Physician Scientists’ Association
  • AMSA-International: Asian Medical Students’ Association
  • EMSA: The European Medical Students’ Association
  • FAMSA: Federation of African Medical Students’ Associations
  • IFMSA: International Federation of Medical Students Associations
  • Phi Delta Epsilon: The International Medical Fraternity
  • SNMA: The Student National Medical Association
  • SNO: Student Network Organization
  • SOMA: The Student Osteopathic Medical Association

Using the revolutionary digital learning platform, Rx Bricks, MeSAGE is building free interactive educational modules that address a wide range of topics, from health equity and human rights to social accountability and planetary health. Together, we aim to leverage the expertise and passion of medical students to develop engaging and open medical education content.

This is the fourth MeSAGE collection to be released, following the publication of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in 2020, The New Educator in late 2021, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion earlier in 2022.  Upcoming MeSAGE collections include:

  • Social Accountability 
  • Planetary Health 
  • Health Policy and Advocacy 
  • Leadership and Management Skills

You can learn more about MeSAGE and access the bricks for free through our website

About ScholarRx: ScholarRx is a mission-driven organization currently serving over 150,000 medical students and physician learners annually. ScholarRx has developed a revolutionary componentized, multi-competency curricular platform that empowers medical schools and medical student organizations to rapidly develop high-quality education experiences, even in resource-constrained environments.