Brick Builder Grant Winners 2024

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Empowering Global Medical Education

The Brick Builder Grant is a ScholarRx initiative empowering educators and students worldwide to create innovative, free, open-access digital learning modules, or "Bricks," focused on underrepresented medical topics. By providing essential tools and support, the grant aims to revolutionize global medical education through innovation.

What do winners receive?

  • $500 in funding
  • Free access to the ScholarRx curriculum authoring platform and the Rx Bricks digital library
  • Expert training and support from ScholarRx

2024 Grant Winners

We are excited to announce the talented winners from 38 institutions across 13 countries who will be using the Brick Builder Grant to develop innovative medical educational resources.

Name Institution Brick Topic
Angela PierceAlice L. Walton School of MedicineThe Impact of Beverage Choice on Health
Jasmeet SinghUniversity college of medical sciences & Guru teg bahadur hospitalADRs Unlocked- A Dynamic Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Managing Adverse Drug Reactions in healthcare settings
Dr. Ravirajsinh JadejaAugusta UniversityDiseases of the Retina
Obrain MusulumbaZera International College of Health SciencesPublic Health Nursing in Community Settings
ABENA OTCHERE-DARKOAFROMED ACADEMY OF MEDICAL CLINICAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONPedagogical Course: Curricula integrations of interprofessional learning, educational assessments and evaluations in faculty staff development.
Nick RagsdaleFrist College of Medicine, Belmont UniversityAppendicitis Case Based Learning Activity Brick
Samuel SteuartHarvard Medical SchoolNeurologic Complications of Cancer Treatment
Alaa RashidMinistry of Health - Directorate of Erbil, KRI, Iraq.Chronic Diseases and Behavior Change Coaching
Nhu TranUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh city, Viet NamAmenorrhea
Moeza Arona MerchantUniversity of QueenslandThe effects of conflict or war on health
Menna ArafatFaculty of Medicine, Cairo UniversityThe Importance of Medical Leadership Skills in Medical Education
Dr. Lydia ElliottCarle Illinois College of MedicineInterpersonal Education for Healthcare Professionals
Alejandra FrancoInternational School of Medicine - UAGThe Early Diagnosis of Acute Abdomen
Tamara KaplanHarvard Medical School / Brigham and Women's HospitalStroke Mini-Library
Ashley PaulJohns Hopkins School of MedicineThe Clinical Approach to the Neurological Complications of HIV
Kaylah WaltonUniversity of Miami Miller School of MedicineNutritional Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Demidmaa TuvdendorjUniversity of Texas at Tyler School of MedicineCore Concepts of Physiology: Homeostasis, Flow Down Gradients, Mass Balance, Cell-to-Cell Communication, and Physical Properties of Matter elasticity.
Solomon GauldingUniversity of Texas at San Antonio - Long School of MedicineUse of the Teach-Back Method in Promoting Health Literacy
Daryl TraylorA.T. Still UniversityIncorporating Climate Change Education into Medical School Curricula
Hosny MohsenBeni suef faculty of medicineCriitical Aspects of Cardiovascular Physiology
Rebecca ZucconiFrank H. Netter MD School of MedicinePelvic Support Defects & Urinary Incontinence
Victor Jimenez JrNoorda College of Osteopathic MedicineEvaluating Language Barriers in Medical Education and Improving Equity in Medicine
Alvaro Emmanuel Reyes QuinteroUniversity of GuadalajaraCardiac Channelopathies
Lucia AlvarezUniversidad Autónoma de GuadalajaraEarly Tomographic Signs of Ischemic Vascular Brain Disease
Matthew YanDavid Geffen School of Medicine at UCLABody Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) in marginalized communities of color
Abigail HealyHarvard Medical School/Mass General BrighamAnti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
Christine GaoJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineStroke code activation
Emmett LeddinMichigan State University College of Human Medicine1. Minority Stress, Intersectionality, and Barriers to Healthcare 2. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Health Insurance, Letters, and Voice Therapy 3. STIs, Sexual Health, and Intimate Partner Violence 4. Surgery 5. Nutrition and Lifestyle 6. Trauma Informed Care and Considerations for Trans Youth 7. Fertility and Family Planning
Freddy Robert L Han ProvidentUniversity of Global Health Equitymanagement of schistosomiasis through one health approach
Alyssa NguyenJohns Hopkins UniversityNeuropalliative Care
Alex AInebyonaUniversity of Global Health EquityATYPICAL DIABETES
Wendy TapiaUniversidad Peruana UnionEpileptic Encephalopathies
Betty OnyebuAmerican University of BarbadosRole of maternal inflammation in the risk of development of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Children.
Cinamon NyagakaKenyatta UniversityMaternal and child health
Sabrina GWIZAUniversity of Global Health EquityEarly Childhood Development and Mental Health
Manting XuUniversity of LouisvilleIntroduction to Reading Radiologic Imaging
Tanu RanaThomas F. Frist, Jr. College of Medicine at Belmont UniversityViral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF)
Otmar BorchardPacific Northwest University - College of Osteopathic MedicineThe cutaneous manifestations of an existing COVID-19
Sarah OsbornSt. George's University School of Medicine1. Urea Cycle Disorders 2.Phenylketonuria/Alkaptonuria/Tyrosinemia 3.Maple Syrup Urine Disease/Branched-chain disorders 4. Organic Acidemias.
Tipsuda Junsanto BahriNoorda College of Osteopathic Medicine1. Histology of Breast, 2. Craniopharyngioma, 3. Embryology and Histology of Salivary glands, 4. Congenital Pancreatic conditions: Annular pancreas & pancreas divisum
Selin IsguvenThomas Jefferson University1)Evaluating and applying scientific literature 2)Developing robust research studies 3)Exploring pathways to careers as a physician-scientist
Sai Sankeerth MadakasiraBoston UniversityClinical Research
David HarrisUniversity of Central FloridaGuidance for educators that facilitate small group learning sessions
Prerak JuthaniStanford UniversityFrom Stumbles to Stethoscopes: Mastering the Medical Presentation
David RoosAlice L. Walton School of MedicineRoadmap to Residency
Katie CarskyLenox Hill HospitalFundamentals of Upper & Lower Endoscopy
Tamara StrohmUniversity of North CarolinaPrinciples of Neurology