Rx Bricks Update of the Immunology Collection

We’re excited to announce a comprehensive update to our Immunology collection in Rx Bricks. This new edition represents a significant evolution in how we present immunology, incorporating the latest medical terminology, expanding our coverage of critical topics, and featuring completely revamped illustrations throughout the collection.
What’s New in the Immunology Collection?
Enhanced Visual and Interactive Learning Experience
One of the most exciting aspects of this update is the comprehensive enhancement of our visual and interactive elements. We’ve refreshed virtually all immunology-specific figures throughout the collection, ensuring that complex concepts are illustrated with greater clarity and precision than ever before. Additionally, we’ve strengthened our active learning components with improved interactive questions and added more images to our flashcards, creating a more engaging and effective study experience.
New Content Areas
Our collection now includes dedicated bricks covering autoinflammatory diseases and diagnostic laboratory immunology, giving students essential practical knowledge they’ll need in clinical settings. We’ve also added a comprehensive new brick on immunodeficiency disorders titled “Immunodeficiency Disorders: Putting It All Together,” which guides students through the systematic evaluation of patients suspected of having immunodeficiency.
Updated Terminology and Classifications
To align with current medical nomenclature, we’ve made several important updates:
- B and T cell disorders are now classified as “Disorders of Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity”
- The Phagocyte Dysfunction brick has been expanded and renamed to “Disorders of Innate Immunity,” now including detailed coverage of leukocyte adhesion defects (LAD)
- Complement disorders have been given their own dedicated brick, separate from the main Complement content, allowing for more in-depth coverage
Enhanced Treatment Coverage
Understanding the rapidly evolving landscape of immunological treatments is crucial for modern medical practice. We’ve significantly expanded our coverage of therapeutic options:
- The immunosuppressants content has been thoroughly updated and split into two distinct bricks: “Immunosuppressants” and “Biologic Agents”
- Enhanced coverage of novel biologics provides students with the latest information on cutting-edge treatments
New Sequestered Questions Coming Soon
To complement the updated collection, we’re excited to announce that new Rx Bricks Assessment Bank questions for the Immunology collection will be launching this spring. These carefully crafted questions will help students test their understanding and apply their knowledge of the updated immunology content, which you can deliver through ExamSoft.
Why These Updates Matter
These updates reflect our commitment to providing medical students with the most current, clinically relevant content possible. By aligning our terminology with current medical standards, expanding our coverage of critical topics, and enhancing our visual learning tools, we ensure that students are well-prepared for their exams and future clinical practice.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance our educational resources to meet the evolving needs of medical education.
Immunology Table of Contents
Here are the bricks contained in the 2nd edition of our Immunology collection:
- Immunology: Foundations and Frameworks
- Innate Receptors and Cytokines
- Complement System
- Major Histocompatibility Complex
- Structure and Function of Antigen Receptors and Antibodies
- Antigen Receptor Gene Rearrangement
- Antigen Processing and Presentation
- B-Cell Activation and Differentiation
- T-Cell Activation and Differentiation
- Cell-Mediated Immunity
- Immunologic Tolerance
- Hypersensitivity Reactions
- Allergic Diseases and Anaphylaxis
- Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology
- Disorders of Innate Immunity
- Disorders of the Complement System
- Disorders of Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity
- Immunodeficiency Disorders: Putting It All Together
- Vaccines
- Autoinflammatory Diseases
- Amyloidosis
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Sjögren Syndrome
- Systemic Sclerosis
- Immunosuppressants
- Biologic Agents
- Blood Types
- Blood Transfusion
- Transplantation