Meet ScholarRx at AMEE 2023

We aim to build a healthier world through accessible and sustainable medical education that helps educators reach more students who can better serve their communities.

Please stop by and chat with our team at AMEE 2023 and learn how we're turning this goal into reality. Learn how our global curricular ecosystem, the Rx Brick Exchange, and our open authoring platform, Bricks Create, are helping build "Inclusive Learning Environments to Transform the Future."

We look forward to seeing you in Glasgow at Booth #47!

Where Can You Find ScholarRx at AMEE 2023?

Session Session Details Date & Time
Shared Open Education Resources Elevating Medical Education in Low Resource Countries

Pre-Conference Symposium
Join Presenter:
Tao Le, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Louisville, USA
Sunday, August 27
9:50 - 10:00
Open Access Student Generated Scalable Education
Join Presenter:
Daniel Del Castillo Rix, MD, Past Chairman of the ScholarRx Student Advisory Council, Colombia
Sunday, 27th of August
Symposium: Long Live Communities of Practice in Health Professions Education
Hall 2, SEC
Features MeSAGE Fellow, Evangelos Papageorgiou, MD, AFAMEE.Monday, August 28, 0900-1030
Exploring the Roles of Students in Health Professions Education

Please enjoy this session organized by MeSAGE, IFMSA, and EMSATuesday, 29th of August
14:00 - 15:30
Developing a Novel Leadership and Management Curricular Module for Global Medical Education Symposium

Carron 1, Loch Suite
Join Presenter: Catarina Pais Rodrigues, MD, Director of Curriculum Support and Training at ScholarRxTuesday, 29th of August
1600 - 17:30
A Planetary Health Curriculum for Medical Schools

Castle III
Please join MeSAGE for this short communication presentationWednesday, 30th of August
9:15 - 9:30

Bridging Language Barriers to Unlock Global Access: Bricks Create Clone & Translate

New digital learning platforms are transforming higher education and providing high-quality education content at little to no cost. Educators can now reach large, even global audiences. Yet, while more than 7,000 languages are spoken worldwide, most medical education material is only available in a handful of languages. While medical schools go to great lengths to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion, resource equity is rarely mentioned.

The newest feature in Bricks Create, Clone & Translate is an AI-powered tool that translates cloned Bricks into four different languages:

  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • French
  • Vietnamese
  • More to come!

While understanding English is advantageous to med students and clinicians–since most research, reference materials, and study tools are much more readily available in English–expanding access to non-English speaking countries means delivering the same type of high-quality material in their native tongue. Reducing this barrier will represent a giant leap forward in resource equity and a step toward achieving our goals.


Image of how to clone a brick in a new language using Bricks Create Translate
Screenshot of the new Bricks Create Translate tool.

Bricks Create for Students

Bricks Create is for more than just faculty.

As an educator, you know it's essential to provide tools to empower students to take ownership of their learning process. Bricks Create for Students allows them to create, share, and learn, making learning more engaging and exciting.

Engage Your Students

With Bricks Create for Students, the empowerment possibilities are endless. Here are just a few ways you can utilize it in your classroom:

  • Assign projects and activities that require building a Case Connection within a Brick.
  • Let your students get creative and create videos that enhance their Bricks.
  • Encourage peer teaching by having students present on a chosen topic.
  • Create a collaborative Brick on a topic you're working on in class.

Student Bricks Are Not Searchable

One important note: any Bricks that students create, clone, or publish will only be found on their Author page, not on the Rx Brick Exchange or their 'My School' page.

Ask us for a demo of the Bricks Create at Booth #47! We can't wait to show you.

The Rx Brick Exchange

Have you heard about the first-of-its-kind, open-access curriculum exchange we host? It's called the Brick Exchange, and it aims to empower educators to share and access Bricks with a global community. This digital ecosystem builds on Rx Bricks and Bricks Create – with limitless potential.

A Healthier World

Like our esteemed friends at IAMSE, we aim to build a healthier world through accessible, sustainable medical education. The Brick Exchange was designed to expand opportunities for students and educators from around the globe to learn from and collaborate with passionate Brick builders.

Using our revolutionary digital learning platform, Rx Bricks, the Rx Brick Exchange enables educators and learners to share free, open-access educational modules that address topics important to you and your students. We aim for the Brick Exchange to become a community where ideas and expertise are shared to develop engaging, open-access health science content.

Boosting Medical Education Accessibility for All

Together, we're enhancing health professions education by offering new ways to find, build, and share digital learning experiences and making them more accessible for learners worldwide.

In the Brick Exchange, you can:

  • Find, share, and build meaningful digital learning experiences on a global scale
  • Create reading lists
  • Clone Bricks and make them your own
  • Contribute to a shared curricular ecosystem

Join us! 

Screen capture of the Rx Essentials section of the Brick Exchange.
Screenshot of the MeSAGE page on

The Medical Student Alliance for Global Education

MeSAGE is a global collaboration of student organizations to develop medical education content that fosters clinical excellence, cultural competence, and health equity.

Student organizations have a long-standing tradition of recognizing societal needs and calling for institutional changes. MeSAGE aims to empower student organizations to lead in shaping health professions curricula.

To do that, MeSAGE develops open-access content and delivers it via Rx Bricks. These resources are student-led and developed under the guidance of educators and experts in their field.

The MeSAGE curriculum includes:

ScholarRx is delighted to partner with MeSAGE to address educational needs at a global and societal level. Learn more at AMEE!

Group 118

Improve Student Outcomes, Brick by Brick

ScholarRx is transforming how students learn through high-yield content, interactive study tools, and faculty-vetted assessments .

Now, educators can reach large, global audiences of faculty and students..

Explore Benefits of ScholarRx:

  • Empowers institutions to accelerate positive and measurable outcomes
  • Patient-centered, clinically relevant
  • Ability to build and collaborate on curriculum
  • Evidence-based approach to learning
  • Provides measurable learning objectives
  • Engaging learning experience
  • Increases focus on high-value tasks
  • Boosts student productivity and engagement
  • Frees up time for more collaborative learning approaches
Product Image@2x

Guest Office Hours Presentations

We proudly host guest webinars throughout the year featuring the greatest minds in medical education. Two of our most recent Guest Office Hours presentations can be found below. Please enjoy - we look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Enhancing Team-Based Learning in Medical Education

Presented by Amanda J. Chase, PH.D., and Amber J. Heck, Ph.D., Founders of Teach MedEd

In this presentation delivered in May 2023, Drs. Chase and Heck taught how to implement team-based learning using the InteDashboard and ScholarRx platforms in your classroom. During this recording, you'll learn how to apply essential principles of TBL, plan and implement a TBL session, and engage your learners effectively and efficiently. Enjoy!

Maximizing Student Engagement with Bricks Create

Presented by Daniel Del Castillo, MD, ScholarRx Student Advisory Council Chairperson

In this presentation delivered in May 2023, Dr. Del Castillo shared his experiences guiding students at the Universidad del Norte in Colombia to create interactive learning modules using the Bricks Create authoring platform. From discussing the challenges commonly faced in traditional med-ed settings to showcasing how to effectively address them by empowering students, you'll leave this recording with actionable, achievable insights.

Meet with ScholarRx at AMEE

If you have a few minutes not currently taken up by sessions and speakers, our team would love to speak with you in Cancun. From Bricks Create for Faculty or Students to Clone & Translate - there's a lot to cover!

Use the button below to schedule a time to meet with Matt, Steve, Mark, Nikki, Jeff, or Tao and learn more about how we can support and supplement your curriculum.


Interested in Free Bricks?

We'd love to send you our free Bricks and our latest collections as soon as they're ready. Please share your contact information below, and we'll email you when they're published. You'll be on the list!