Enhancing Team-Based Learning in Medical Education
Thank you for attending our webinar on Team-Based Learning! We hope you feel supported as you begin your journey toward creating and delivering team-based learning experiences that will keep your learners engaged. Please enjoy the recording and use the links below to reach out to TeachMedEd, InteDasbhoard, or ScholarRx.
Watch the RecordingA High-Yield TBL Webinar
In this hands-on session, Amanda J. Chase, PhD, and Amber J. Heck, PhD, showcase how to apply the essential principles and practices of team-based learning (TBL).
Follow along as they help you plan a TBL session, implement TBL into your classroom, and learn how to engage learners effectively and efficiently in a flipped classroom, active learning experience.
You can enjoy the pre-work Brick here if you'd like to read it before you watch the session.
Meet the Teams
TeachMedEd, InteDashboard, and ScholarRx have collaborated to bring you this free webinar. Learn more about these organizations below and use the buttons to connect with their teams at your leisure.
Founded by Amanda J. Chase, PhD, and Amber J. Heck, PhD, TeachMedEd provides development and consultation for forward-thinking medical educators. With extensive experience in curriculum development, TeachMedEd will support you in creating unique and effective learning experiences for your medical students.
is a Team-Based Learning (TBL) platform built by educators at Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore to effortlessly deliver individual and team quizzes, provide immediate feedback, facilitate application cases, and conduct peer evaluations. Instructors can save time by automating grading, harness real-time data insights for quick interventions, and elevate student learning outcomes. InteDashboard supports 1,000+ institutions in 70+ countries to implement TBL in in-person, online, and hybrid classes.
ScholarRx is a mission-driven organization serving over 150,000 medical students and physician learners annually. ScholarRx has developed a revolutionary componentized, multi-competency curricular platform that rapidly empowers medical schools to develop high-quality education experiences, even in resource-constrained regions.
Thank You for Joining Us!
We appreciated the thoughtful conversation and the participation from all our attendees. We hope you can join us for another webinar soon.