ScholarRx offers free access to Rx Bricks online curricular system to schools affected by COVID-19

In response to a request for assistance from a partner medical school impacted by COVID-19, ScholarRx has agreed to make its Rx Bricks program available to medical schools and physician assistant programs for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year. This comprehensive, online resource can assist schools implementing contingency plans necessitated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
In this specific case, Rx Bricks will support the Infectious Disease course where the school has lost access to clinical teaching faculty due to the public health emergency. ScholarRx will provide the students with access to Rx Bricks and further assist the school with curricular implementation and mapping support.
ScholarRx wishes to extend this offer of free access to Rx Bricks to you and your school. Please let us know if we can help you support the education process during this challenging period.
For more information or to request assistance, go to COVID-19 Assistance Offer.
Rx Bricks is an innovative digital learning system designed to help students easily learn the foundations of medicine.
Rx Bricks offers a repository of curricular materials and learning frameworks that can be rapidly deployed and customized to suit your unique curriculum needs and goals.
Rx Bricks uses short, high-yield, interactive lessons called “bricks.” Content is broken down into the smallest cohesive learning units, or “bricks”, and organized around basic science topics (e.g., pressure-volume loops) or clinical concepts (e.g., ischemic heart disease). Each brick uses clear language to explain and contextualize key topics, many in less than 20 minutes. Then it offers built-in review tools to test understanding of the content right away.
Currently, ScholarRx offers more than 700 Rx Bricks covering 14 disciplines and organ systems.
To learn more, go here.