Meet ScholarRx at IAMSE in Denver!

The ScholarRx team is excited to once again be sponsoring the annual IAMSE conference, which brings together the best and brightest medical science educators and curriculum leaders from around the globe. Our mission is to build a healthier world through accessible, sustainable medical education, so we are inspired to meet with so many educators and students who share this common vision.
We invite you to visit our IAMSE meeting hub, where you can learn more about where to find us in Denver:
You can also sign up to gain free access to our groundbreaking Rx Bricks Create authoring tool. This revolutionary platform puts the power in your hands to create new bricks or clone and customize selected bricks from our extensive library, which features over 830 digital learning modules for your curriculum. Plus, everything you publish is freely available for your students.
Last year, we proudly launched the IAMSE-ScholarRx Curriculum Development Grant to support the creation of sharable health sciences educational curricula. This year’s winner is Dr. Yuan Zhao from the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Sam Houston State University, who will be designing a set of Rx Bricks on ethics. Once completed, these free and open learning modules will be available for everyone through the Rx Bricks platform.
Interested in learning more about our curriculum and assessment solutions for your program? Stop by and see our booth, or reach out: