Call for 2022 IAMSE-ScholarRx Curriculum Development Grants

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the new IAMSE-ScholarRx Curriculum Development Grant. IAMSE, in collaboration with ScholarRx, wishes to promote the development of innovative, sharable health sciences education curricula, and will fund a single grant for the year, for up to $5,000. In addition to funding, awardees will receive a total value of approximately $50,000 in in-kind support, which includes:

  • Rx Bricks access for up to 200 students for one year
  • Investigator access to the ScholarRx Brick Authoring Platform and Rx Bricks Collections
  • Investigator training and support for ScholarRx Brick development
  • $1,500 travel award for Principal Investigator (PI) to present the work at the Annual IAMSE Meeting
Purpose of the Curriculum Development Grant
The purpose of the IAMSE-Scholar Rx Curriculum Development Grant is to make available funds to support the development, implementation, and scholarly evaluation of sharable health sciences educations curricula. As a requirement, projects must utilize the ScholarRx Brick Authoring Platform and result in the production of a collection of multiple Rx Bricks, hereto referred to as a sharable curriculum, which will be made publicly available on the ScholarRx website upon completion. The grant supports the development and evaluation of the curriculum for its use in various health sciences educational settings.

All current IAMSE members are eligible to submit a grant proposal. Members may submit only one proposal per year and may not be an author on any other grants currently receiving IAMSE or ScholarRx funding. PIs who have previously received IAMSE or ScholarRx grant funding are eligible to apply, given the above is true.

Read the complete guidelines here.

Applications are to be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on November 14, 2021. If you have any questions please reach out to