MeSAGE Releases Collection of Open Access Bricks for The New Educator

The Medical Student Alliance for Global Education, or MeSAGE, released its newest collection of Rx Bricks, devoted to “The New Educator.” This set of free and open access digital learning modules covers the critical area of medical education.
In the world of medicine, every patient encounter can be seen as a teaching encounter. Medical students learn early on that they must be able to educate patients and their families about diagnoses, lab tests, and treatments. As they become physicians and/or scientists, the opportunities and desire to teach often increase. But teaching is a skill that must be developed.
The collection of New Educator bricks was created by an international team of young authors, and designed for anyone with an interest in teaching and medical education.
Topics in The New Educator collection include:
- Learning Principles
- Teaching Principles
- Instructional Design
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Scholarship in Medical Education
- Teaching and Learning in the Classroom
- Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Environment
- Teaching and Learning in the Virtual Environment
- Interprofessional Education
- Curriculum Development and Design
- The Medical Education Curriculum
- Quality Assurance in Medical Education
- Student Involvement and Advocacy
The aim of MeSAGE is to empower student organizations with the tools and expertise to build medical education content that often falls outside of the traditional curriculum, and make that content freely available to any student, school, or institution in the world.
MeSAGE is the largest student-driven curriculum alliance on the planet, composed of student organizations from different regions of the world. Our members represent over 1 million medical students in over 130 countries, from partners including:
- AMSA: The American Medical Student Association
- AMWA: The American Medical Women’s Association
- APSA: American Physician Scientists’ Association
- AMSA-International: Asian Medical Students’ Association
- EMSA: The European Medical Students’ Association
- IFMSA: International Federation of Medical Students Associations
- Phi Delta Epsilon: The International Medical Fraternity
- SNMA: The Student National Medical Association
- SNO: Student Network Organization
- SOMA: The Student Osteopathic Medical Association
Dr. Tao Le, Founder and CEO of ScholarRx, said, “Through MeSAGE, we are excited to partner with leading student organizations to address educational needs at a global and societal level and help medical students define, build, and learn the key content that may be missing from the standard curriculum.”
Using the revolutionary digital learning platform, Rx Bricks, MeSAGE is building free interactive educational modules that address a wide range of topics, from health equity and human rights to medical education and digital health. Together, we aim to leverage the expertise and passion of medical students to develop engaging and open medical education content.
The first MeSAGE collection was released last year, covering the critical area of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Upcoming MeSAGE collections include:
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Digital Health
- Social Accountability
- Climate Change and Health
- Health Policy and Advocacy
- Leadership and Management Skills
You can access the bricks for free through our website. Learn more here:
About ScholarRx: ScholarRx is a mission-driven organization currently serving over 150,000 medical students and physician learners annually. ScholarRx has developed a revolutionary componentized, multi-competency curricular platform that empowers medical schools and medical student organizations to rapidly develop high-quality education experiences, even in resource-constrained environments.