APBSEA-ScholarRx Curriculum Development Grant



ScholarRx is pleased to fund a new annual APBSEA grant award to promote the development, implementation, and scholarly evaluation of shared curricular development between two or more schools (which could be at the same university). We this as an opportunity to develop global community collaboration and inter-professional education. This grant, with cash funding and in-kind support, values at $40,000 and provides:

  • RxBricks for up to 150 students for 1 year
  • Access to the ScholarRx curriculum authoring platform
  • $3,000 in funding for the successful application, which the collaborating schools can share
  • ScholarRx training/support for development, implementation, and program evaluation

Funding Preferences

For this award, the shared curriculum should focus on emerging/evolving topic areas not currently well covered in medical schools (e.g., COVID-19 vaccine strategy, wellness and resilience, digital health). Any curriculum brick modules developed through the grant would be open access to all.


Funding is for a 2-year period. All investigators will receive access to the ScholarRx Bricks Create Platform and the Rx Bricks collections, and will receive training and support from ScholarRx. The award includes access to the Rx Bricks Collections for up to 150 students for one year.


Grant Information Seminar: October 7, 2021 7:30 PM ET

ScholarRx will present details of the new APBSEA grant program, goals, application criteria, and selection process in a webinar-style virtual event. Attending this event will be the best way to learn more about the grant, the goals, and funding preferences.


APBSEA will administer the grant. The call for proposals with submission criteria and guidelins will be released on the APBSEA website on October 21, 2021.

Bricks Create allows educators to easily develop and share interactive, multimedia Bricks suited for the evolving learning needs of their students. Once you decide to create a new brick, you can immediately add text, embed videos, and drag-and-drop images. Or, simply clone a brick from one of our 15 collections and modify it to meet your curricular needs.

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